Greetings! We hope you enjoyed the small peek at what we are doing with the armour overhaul last week as well as the new vehicles coming to Post Scriptum with Chapter 4. We will be releasing more details on that soon. But it’s time to return to Chapter 2 for a moment and talk a bit more about Maginot, while the Vehicle Overhaul is ongoing, our Level Designer Sergey is hard at work finishing up Maginot and coordinating with the QA Team. [img][/img] One of the last tasks for us to complete at the moment is the Maginot Tunnel System which will span parts of the map and function as alternative paths within the maps. We have done similar underground systems before on Dinant and Grave, but never on this scale and as such, there is a lot for us to consider when it comes to design and balancing to ensure it doesn’t become a mess to navigate or fight in. [img][/img] The Maginot tunnels were an important part of the Maginot line itself, it spans across the entire line linking it together using tunnels and railways, this meant that soldiers could quickly and safely be moved around on the line. In Post Scriptum we don’t want to make the tunnels a focus point, but we do want to make them an alternative and something useful for either defender or attackers, holding and controlling the tunnels will allow for relatively safe travels between several capture points. [img][/img] In the Tunnel system, you will find several features such as armoured doors and hallways that can be used to, in a limited capacity flank your enemy should they fail to guard these flanks. The armoured doors will serve as a means to block attacking forces from moving up quickly and will require explosives to open, or the capture of the two-door controls on the other side of the door. In a similar fashion, some external doors will only be available to certain teams and the use of these doors by an enemy team will require explosives. [img][/img] Below you can find a copy of the Minimap that we will use for Maginot alongside the tunnel layout. The tunnel system is colour coded to help the player identify where they are located in the tunnels, this can help you navigate more easily. [img][/img] [img][/img] Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img] [url=][h2]JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON DISCORD[/h2][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]