Greetings! The winter months have been a busy time for our development team as we are moving forward with the new Vehicle Overhaul, this is currently a project that is eating up most of our resources. But there is good news, that news being that Maginot is finally getting to the point where we can put the final touches on the level design of the map. The map is currently undergoing QA Testing, public playtests will likely start soon, but it depends on the timeframe for the QA Testing. Maginot has been in development for well over a year, that time has been spent very productively and the map being in the QA Testing phase is getting very close to release. We first showed off Maginot in July 2020, but at the time the location was still unknown. And then again during the Maginot Devblog in October 2020, you can find the devblog for that post here: Now we can finally show off what we’ve got almost half a year later and we certainly don’t think it’ll disappoint in the presentation. [url=][img][/img][/url] (This capzone is situated along a fairly wide river with lots of options to cross from one side to the other.) [url=][img][/img][/url] (This smaller town located slightly north of the river is going to be a key road for vehicles and logistics.) [url=][img][/img][/url] (But be careful as there are plenty of ambush positions with hilltop snipers being able to cover the valley below.) [url=][img][/img][/url] (Maginot just wouldn't be the same if there wasn't plenty of obstacles to stop troops and vehicles.) [url=][img][/img][/url] (This abandoned fort, turned outpost is going to be very hard to take, it has the benefit of being located high above the terrain, approach with care!) [url=][img][/img][/url] (Underground bunkers and structures are commonplace on the Maginot line. Make good use of them!) Secondly, we have been working hard on the new Vehicle Overhaul that will rework how all our vehicles feel and play, we are super excited about the progress currently being made on this new system. One big thing that we have spent a good amount of time on is discussing how tank shells should interact with the world and objects in it. We think we’ve come up with a fairly good system that balances realism and gameplay in a way that rewards both skilful shooting, but also with a level of fun that you have a fighting chance if you are on the receiving end. We aren’t quite ready to talk about everything to come with the new overhaul as there is a lot of information to digest, not enough to cover in this devblog. But we will leave you with the following video showing off the Work In Progress shell mechanics that will come to PS. [previewyoutube=VONqWkIqZTg;full][/previewyoutube] We also recently did an interview with one of our Official Post Scriptum Partners: [url=]Yazoo[/url] and we highly recommend watching the interview, it contains a lot of information about Post Scriptum, the future and the team itself. Plus many questions from the community were answered! [previewyoutube=ARVmlnoFpYs;full][/previewyoutube] Just before we end the devblog we also want to inform you that we are currently working hard on getting a big Quality of Life patch out to the live servers, that should bring a lot of improvements and fixes to the game. Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img] [url=][h2]JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON DISCORD[/h2][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]