[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31533869/a8b0b15ff076860170e4a59136a7071721ce1fb3.png[/img] Hey guys! Starting this Saturday, November 16th at 3:30 PM PST (00:30 CET | 6:30 PM EST) we will partake in the traditional yearly StackUp Livestream! This one hour long livestream will be running alongside the 4.21 Event "Ritter Von Kasteel" which is also a great opportunity for you to try out the new engine version! The event is being run by the awesome guys over at EASY Company! If you would like to sign up you need to hurry as not many slots remain. To sign up for the event join our official discord https://www.discord.gg/postscriptum and check out the community events channel. For those who can't participate in the game itself, we will of course be streaming parts of the event as well as talking about the engine upgrade, taking questions and have a good time all in the name of charity! Watch us live at https://www.twitch.tv/postscriptumofficial Additionally, there will be several livestreamers playing in the event. Digby Tatham-Warter https://www.twitch.tv/digbytathamwarter MonsterScream https://www.twitch.tv/monsterscream Friendlynikolai https://www.twitch.tv/friendlynikolai LT Spaghetti https://www.twitch.tv/lieutenantspaghetti Game keys will be given during the event, so you can tune in to one of their streams and try to win a free game. WHAT IS STACKUP? StackUp is a charity organization focusing on bringing military veterans and civilian supporters together through a shared love of video games. Their organization aims to help veterans in many different ways and through various programs like Air Assault, Supply Crates and StOP. You can read more about StackUp on their website https://stackup.org/ HOW DO I SUPPORT THE CHARITY? You can support the charity directly by donating on their website. Or you can support via our donation pool https://stackup.donordrive.com/participant/periscopegames We have set ourselves a goal of 5000$ and we hope that with the help of the streamers and you guys we can reach that goal!