Greetings! Thanks for the wonderful reception of our time-limited game mode Contagion. We've been keeping an eye on how players have been greeting the mode and we are really happy most people are enjoying it. There are however a couple of issues, most notably never-ending rounds, teamkilling and team switching late game. This hotfix should address some of these issues and we ask that you please keep sending us that feedback. [h2]HALLOWEEN SALE AND FREE WEEKEND[/h2] Starting later today [b]October 29th[/b] Post Scriptum will be on sale at [u][b]50% off for the entire Steam Halloween sale[/b][/u] on top of this a Free Weekend will also be available from [b]October 29th around 10 AM PST until November 1st 1 PM PST[/b]. As per usual get your changelog below! [h3]Changelog v2.1.1023.1[/h3] [list][*] Contagion: Added a 7 minute cut off for survivor reinforcement. After 7 minutes players can no longer switch to survivors to stop endless games. [*] Contagion: Removed the ability to teamkill friendly zombies. [*] Contagion: Removed survivor spawn protection after staging phase has ended. [*] Contagion: Removed Kubelwagens from all layers. [*] Contagion: Removed the fire barrel burning notification and moved it to the spawn message. [*] Contagion: Possible fix for match not ending when bomb is destroyed, blown up or survivors are dead. [*] Contagion: Possible fix for survivor sections not locking when survivors are dead. [*] Contagion: Adjusted game timer from 25 minutes to 20 minutes. [*] Contagion: Adjusted St Mere Eglise chapel fire barrels to stop "The Pile". [/list] Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img] [url=][h2]JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON DISCORD[/h2][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]