Greetings! Hope you all had a great holiday and came into the New Year safely. The first major announcement we have for 2022 is in relation to the Third-Party Integration which is part of our Roadmap this year. Our very first Third-Party Developer team, Mercury Arts, will be releasing their Maleme map on January 26th as a part of their Chapter Mercury community chapter. [h2]Chapter Mercury by Mercury Arts[/h2] [h3]Available January 26th[/h3] [img][/img] Chapter Mercury itself focuses on the Battle of Crete in June 1941. The first map, Maleme, pits the Fallschirmjäger of Gruppe West against the New Zealanders of the 2nd NZ Division, as they battle for control of a crucial airfield on the island. Additional maps and factions are planned for the chapter, with the Greek 5th Cretan Division, Australian 16th Infantry Brigade and eventually the Italian 50th Infantry Division, all still to come. [img][/img] Mercury Arts has been working on bringing this exciting project to the Post Scriptum community for almost 2 years and soon it will be here in its first release. But that is not all that Mercury Arts has to bring for 2022. Below you can find their roadmap outlining their plans for the foreseeable future. [img][/img] We will be covering their development going forward in future news posts, but if you are interested in following their development closer on a day-to-day or week-to-week basis, you can [url=]join the Chapter Mercury Discord here[/url]. [img][/img] [h2]Mercury Arts Third-Party Announcement[/h2] [img][/img] As part of our plans outlined on our roadmap for 2022, Third-Party Integration is something we have been working towards since the initial release of the Post Scriptum SDK. With a lot of work going into the feasibility of releasing and helping our modding community bring their content to the core game without the need for the workshop. This process is one that has been ongoing with plenty of challenges both logistically and legally. The Chapter Mercury team recently rebranded as Mercury Arts under our recommendation in order to help brand them under a name that is sure to be a household name under the Third-Party agreement. Mercury Arts has been instrumental in helping us set up the processes and procedures to introduce modded content into the game as a part of the main game installation, the biggest benefit to the players is the need to install a workshop mod prior to joining the server is removed as the content will always be available to our players. For Mercury Arts, the addition to the Third-Party Program means that we can give them the tools and knowledge they need to bring their content to the Post Scriptum community and bring their content in line with the quality that players expect from us. [i]“We are hugely proud to release Maleme to you as the first Third Party team integrated into Post Scriptum. Releasing Maleme as Third Party Content means more players will be able to experience what we have produced, while we retain control over the direction of our project. We are grateful to the PG team for their support in this and hope it paves the way for other modders in future.”[/i] - [u][b]“Katz”, Project Manager[/b][/u] Mercury Arts being Third-Party means that they will ensure that their content is updated and bugs are fixed, they will also be continuing the development of their content going forward under their own direction, but with the assistance and tools provided by Periscope Games. As such Periscope Games has very limited input into what Mercury Arts will be creating. [h2]How do I become a Third-Party Developer?[/h2] The process to become a Third-Party Developer is one that we review and deal with on a case by case basis since every mod is different, we want to ensure that we give each mod the utmost care in how we review and decide upon the possibility to become Third-Party content. In order to qualify as a Third-Party, we outline a couple of requirements for any potential developers. All Developers must be over the age of 18. This is due to the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) that is associated with being a Third-Party Developer. You must own the right to use your content including in a commercial product. This means we may deny mods that fall under intellectual property, trademark & copyright protection. Developers are responsible for updating and maintaining their own mod, we will provide the infrastructure and assistance in this. Periscope Games ultimately reserves the right to deny and/or remove Third-Party Developers from the program, but Third-Party Developers will always own their own content and we will always remove Third-Party Developers’ content at their request or on removal. Additionally Third-Party Content is not available in the SDK and as such, no content created by Third-Party Developers can be used by community modders via the Post Scriptum SDK unless specifically requested. Third-Party Content is also never sold by Periscope Games as a part of any deals or DLC content, Third-Party Developers always own the full rights to their content. If you would like to inquire about becoming a Third-Party Developer, [b]you can send an email to and give us a pitch with what you would be interested in bringing to the game as part of the core game.[/b] [h2]Steam Lunar Sale 2022[/h2] [h3]January 27th 10 AM PT - February 3rd 10 AM PT[/h3] The Steam Lunar Sale is here again this year and it is the Year of the Tiger. Post Scriptum will be 25% off for the duration of the Lunar Sale which runs from January 27th until February 3rd. Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games & Mercury Arts[/b] [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][h2]JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON DISCORD[/h2][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]