Greetings! We're pleased to be able to share some more news in this devblog about the final map coming to Chapter 4. This map was not initially planned, but we ended up deciding late into development to create a 3rd and final map for Chapter 4. We also have news about the Steam Autumn Sale which starts on Nov. 22nd @ 6 PM UTC and runs until Nov. 29th. [h2]Steam Autumn Sale 2022[/h2] [h3]50% Discount on Post Scriptum Nov. 22nd - Nov. 29th @ 6 PM UTC[/h3] [img][/img] Starting November 22nd @ 6 PM UTC the Steam Autumn Sale kicks off as it does every year around this time. Post Scriptum will as per tradition participate in this event with a 50% discount for Post Scriptum throughout the sale. The sale will run from [b]November 22nd - November 29th @ 6 PM UTC[/b] Now, let's take a look at Colmar for Post Scriptum's Chapter 4. [h2]Colmar[/h2] [img][/img] Colmar is the 3rd and final map for Chapter 4 of Post Scriptum, which brings Post Scriptum to the year 1945 which marked the final few months of the war in Europe. Colmar is inspired by the action that took place in central Alsace region of France during the November 1944 - February 1945 period. The German forces had established a large bridgehead on the Rhine which collapsed during an offensive action by the US forces. [img][/img] The Allied kept driving further into German territory and eventually formed a large pocket around German troops in the city of Colmar. This is what became known as the "Colmar Pocket" for its shape. A few months after this the Allied was able to push the German forces out of Colmar and clearing the region. [img][/img] Colmar as a map is interesting to us because of a few notable reasons, it has a high level of varied terrain, but it also allows us to return to some design elements players will find familiar from Chapter 1, as such you'll find Colmar a refreshing return to our Chapter 1 style of vast open flat terrain, with many intersecting fields and towns. [img][/img] Colmar is also interesting because it'll field a new 1944/45 edition of the French Army, which at this stage was being supplied by the US and partially by the British, this sets the stage for us to make a new interesting composition for a faction which at this stage relied heavily on the equipment supplied to it by US, British and captured equipment. [img][/img] While historically the French were almost entirely supplied by the US, it does offer us some flexibility to make a faction that doesn't conform to the standards of any particular faction, as such we plan to give this faction a mixture of equipment from across all of our chapters and with the US, British and German weapons likely to be present in some capacity. [img][/img] Additionally, Colmar is going to be one of the few maps in the game that will come in both a pre-snow condition as shown in this devblog, but also in a winterized form that makes Chapter 4 different from all previous chapters, you can expect both these two versions to feature unique look for both the map, but also the troops. We hope you've enjoyed getting a look at this last map coming to Chapter 4 of Post Scriptum, we'd love to hear what you think about it. Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img] [url=][h2]JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON DISCORD[/h2][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]