Greetings! We have another playtest coming your way this weekend! This one focuses on combined arms gamemodes like Offensive, RAAS and Invasion, this is to ensure the system plays well when the environment isn't dominated by purely armour. We also want to remind you that you can join our [url=][b]Official Post Scriptum Discord[/b][/url] where we collect most of our feedback, bugs and interact with our fantastic community! [h1]ARMOUR OVERHAUL PUBLIC PLAYTEST[/h1] The public playtest will run on a special Beta branch that you can access starting [u][b]November 5th @ 10 AM Pacific | 1 PM Eastern | 5 PM UTC[/b][/u] until [u][b]November 7th @ 10 AM Pacific | 1 PM Eastern | 5 PM UTC[/b][/u] by following the small guide below: [u]NOTE:[/u] If you do not see the validation-branch yet, it has either not gone live yet, or you need to restart Steam. HOW TO OPT INTO BETA BRANCHES [olist] [*] [b]Right-click Post Scriptum in your library.[/b] [*] [b]Press the “Properties” button and navigate to the “BETAS” tab.[/b] [*] [b]Select the dropdown and opt into “Validation-Branch”[/b] [/olist] [img][/img] [img][/img] Post Scriptum should now start updating the game and after it finishes you will have the new Armour Overhaul build. Once the test is over you just do the same steps but opt out of any branches. [h3]Armour Overhaul Playtest Changelog[/h3] [list] [*] Added animated main menu. [*] Fixed 3D tracks causing significant framerate issues. [*] Fixed Armoured kits missing on several armoured layers. [*] Fixed Internal and External sounds being inverted on several tanks. [*] Fixed Gun elevation and Turret rotation both being tied to turret ring. Damaged cannons won't elevate and damaged turret rings wont rotate. (Smoke added to barrel when the gun is destroyed) [*] Removed the ability to fire main gun & MG when vehicle is hull is destroyed. [*] Fixed Panzer IV H dead track normals inverted. [*] Fixed River damage volumes to damage the new tanks. [*] Adjusted bounce and pen curves of several tank shells. [*] Fixed old vehicles not having VFX when exploding. [*] Removed overheating mechanics from all emplaced and vehicle MG's. [*] Fixed Flak 36 base not having collision with shells. [*] Rebalanced all old vehicles with the new shell system. [*] Rebalanced all old emplacements with the new shell system. [*] Updated fuel, ammo and engine fire FX. [*] Fixed X-Ray, Armour Thickness and other minor bugs in Hangar. [*] Fixed mines being placable on deployables. [*] Fixed several maps and layers that were previously missing. [*] Oosterbeek lighting has been reworked. [/list] Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img] [url=][h2]JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON DISCORD[/h2][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]