Greetings! We are super excited to see everyone having fun and enjoying the new Carentan map, but we feel that there is something else that we need to address. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been discussing and have realised that a lot of our players feel that their feedback isn’t being heard or acknowledged, we want to address this concern and to do that we are making some changes to how we interact with the feedback we get from the community. For that reason, we are now announcing a brand new Community Feedback program that we've decided to call [b]Through the Periscope[/b]. This new program will let our community help decide additions and changes that will get into the game. The first major change is that we have launched a new Trello board that will give everyone an insight into all the feedback that the development team has seen and acknowledged. All feedback is split up into different categories depending on their scope and technical feasibility. You can find the new Trello board [url=]here[/url] Every two weeks the community will get to vote a single piece of feedback that they would like to have greenlit on our [url=]Official Discord server[/url]. Once greenlit we will start work on implementing this feature. Please note that the order of greenlit items does not determine which feedback will be implemented first. The development team will have the final say and decision as to what will be voted on. The feedback that is not picked will stay on the list until the next vote. This way our community has a direct influence on what features they would like implemented into the game. Hopefully, this will help reassure our players that their feedback is being heard and acknowledged, as well as giving our players a visual representation of how far we have gotten with a particular feature. The second change is related to how the feedback channel works within discord. Our bot will react with a thumbs up and thumbs down to every post in the channel. This will allow users to easily vote on feedback that they like or dislike. This will help us discuss internally what feedback our community likes or doesn’t like. Performance & bug feedback will not be added to the Trello board, as these are considered bugs or issues that are actively worked on and don't need a vote. Duplicate feedback and similar feedback also will not be added to the Trello board. With these two changes, we can ensure that we are being open and transparent with our community about their feedback as well as including our community in deciding what they would like put into the game within reason and as long as it doesn't compromise the core experience. Sincerely, [b]Periscope Games[/b] [img][/img]