Greetings everyone! We are happy to announce that players can finally have a chance to experience the 4.21 upgrade patch and all its new goodies today [b](on the 20th of November) at 8 pm GMT, (9 pm CET, 3 pm EST, 12 pm PST)[/b]. Join the fun! [img][/img] [h1]HOW TO OPT INTO BETA[/h1] For those who do not know how to opt into the validation-branch build, here are the steps: 1. Right-click Post Scriptum and go to Properties at the bottom. 2. Next, go to the "BETAS". 3. Press the dropdown menu and select "validation-branch". (If you do not see the branch then restart steam) 5. PS should now queue an update. If it doesn't restart steam. (Below is an image tutorial showing you how to do this) [img][/img] Over the past weekend the Post Scriptum team were taking part in a fundraiser event called [url=]Stack-Up[/url], which is a charitable organization that focus on bringing military veterans and civilian supporters together through a shared love of video games. Their organization aims to help veterans from the US and other allied nations through various programs ranging from Supply Crates and Air Assault, to their Stack Up Overwatch Program which aims to combat PTSD, depression, and emotional distress. The [url=]fundraiser[/url] will remain open so if you wanted to donate but couldn’t, then you still have a chance for the remainder of 2019, every contribution helps! If you missed out on playing in the StackUp charity event this weekend, which featured the new 4.21 engine upgrade then there is still good news. This week we will be hosting a public playtest where you can have the chance to try out the upgrade with all its new visuals, sounds, animations, features and most importantly the improved performance. During this event Periscope Games and the community over at Easy Company teamed up to bring the Post Scriptum community a planned event called “Ritter Von Kasteel”. The event was streamed live on our twitch channel. If you would like to view the event VOD, you can check out the link [url=]here[/url].  [url=]CHECK OUT THE IMAGE ALBUM OF THE EVENT ON FACEBOOK[/url] [h1]ANIMATIONS[/h1] The team have been adding in new animations for weapons and equipment such as the M1 Garand, 1911 Colt, Stielhandgranate & new medical animations. Check it out [url=]here[/url] [h1]ARNHEM RANGE[/h1] Our level designers have been working hard on a revamp of the training map Arnhem Range. There you’ll see new tutorials and guides on how the game’s systems and roles work as well as being able to test out all the vehicles, weapons and equipment in the game. Also, don’t forget to listen to your instructor! [previewyoutube=Dq0pGV5Z9s8;full][/previewyoutube] [h1]DEATH CAM[/h1] The Death Cam is also a new feature introduced to Post Scriptum and aims to give players more perspective when being killed by high caliber shells, explosions or headshots. For about 1 second after you get killed you will still be able to see some of your surroundings, no longer are you sent directly to black and this makes for some truly epic and horrific moments. [img][/img] After 6 months of hard work, we are finally ready to jump into the fray with you guys! Sincerely, Periscope Games [img][/img]