We are pushing 4.21 Hotfix #3 out to fix a bunch of stuff! Get your changelog below. [b]v2.0.65.12401 Changelog:[/b] [list] [*] - Added vehicle collision sounds to wheeled vehicles [*] - Fixed mortar aim being off by 100-200 meters. [*] - Fixed commander vehicle not respawning [*] - Fixed commander not showing the star icon in the minimap [*] - Fixed mines disappearing but still working when dug down [*] - Fixed various Level design bugs [*] - Fixed the BAR using M1 garand clip ejection FX. [*] - Tweaked the Tiger tank to turn more easily [*] - Fixed suppression happening through walls when the impact was outside the suppression zone. [*] - Changed suppression radius from 7m to 3m. [*] - Re-added the missing lattice in the Armoured game mode. [*] [*] - Optimized smoke grenade and tank explosion FX. [*] - Reduced texture sizes on some assets to help memory load. [/list] [u][b]IMPORTANT FOR SERVER OWNERS:[/b][/u] [u]- Linux 4.21 Server Build still does not work and will crash on launch. But we are making progress.[/u] Also here is a preview at the new collision sounds. https://streamable.com/j91qe