These musicians have created some excellent Portal-inspired songs spanning a vast range of styles. [url=]Wearethemassacre – “Into Your Heart”[/url] What better way to respond to GLaDOS's “Still Alive” than a musical love ballad? [url=]Nathan Pinard – “We Work for GLaDOS Now”[/url] The turrets sing a clever bluegrass parody of "In the Jailhouse Now". [url=]Seren Morphile – “Cake Is A Lie”[/url] This may be the catchiest metal song about cake ever written. [url=]The Hamster Alliance – “Portal Music”[/url] A full album of ambient tracks in the theme of Portal's own soundtrack. Many of them have gone on to appear in various fan-created Portal maps. The Hamster Alliance [url=]“Chell's Revenge”[/url] [url=]“In the Cake”[/url] More inspired music from The Hamster Alliance, but of the hard and fast drum&bass variety. [url=]Victims of Science – “The Device Has Been Modified”[/url] A techno dance mix structured around voice samples from GLaDOS.