
Lego has been doing some impressive work with crossovers in the past several years, notably with its lines of Star Wars and Minecraft themed sets. Now, a pair of amateur Lego designers is seeking support for their Lego Portal concept that features working modular test chamber walls that you can use to create countless devious configurations.

A team called DosBrosComiX has a detailed plan for a kit called the Modular Portal Testing Chamber on the Lego Ideas site, which is running a competition for aspiring Lego designers to get their concepts reviewed by real Lego experts and potentially turned into official sets. The Portal concept DosBrosComiX has created is impressive, and it's all based on a modular system of interlocking wall panels that can be posed and altered on the fly.

Each square of wall and flooring in the concept set is mounted on a set of pistons, which in turn are attached to a base unit that can lock laterally into an identical base unit. The pistons allow the floor or wall surface to move around in seven rotational axes to form ramps, obstacles, or ledges.

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