[list] [*]Add 6 levels and 2 bonus [*]Change the Stinger name to Itcher, the old name being more appropriate for its mutation [*]Add 3 plants: Stinger, Monstruous and Root-Swallower [*]Adjusting the Crusher, slower but more powerful, pure raw damage [*]Add missing descriptions [*]Improving the color change system, when creature tak damage, making damage over time more visible [*]Improving plants stats pannel, in the garden, showing a few more stats and displaying the damage value under the cost, this stat being more relevant [*]Improving Nibblers corpses stock, in the Sacrifice Tree [*]The price curve for upgrades in the garden has been reworked, to softer [*]Plants special abilities have a base activation chance of 10%, and there's less chance activation upgrade, but it's up of 2 instead of 1, making the all levels cost less [*]Total refund of all upgrades [*]Resize the main map interface, to clear space on screen [/list] More stats display, on the upgrade menu, will be available next...