[h3]New[/h3] [list] [*]Add a power upgrade for the Sporelle [*]Add the flower Orchidacid, taht add damage over time and armor reduction to the pollen [*]Add a visual effect, around the plant creation and upgrade buttons, to have a direct feedback of the biomass quantity you have and how much it costs [/list] [h3]Balance[/h3] [list] [*]All plants and flowers stats have been upgraded [*]Change while calculting the difficulty, ennemies get stronger he more you kill [*]The Anesthesik flying creature can cast its special ability to disable plants from further away and the disabled visual effect is more visible [/list] [h3]Fix[/h3] [list] [*]On main map, change of the map description pannl: the minimum ripening (that is just a linear number) has been replaced by a simple "ripening complete" You can, in fact, win a game without having managed to bring the fruit to maturity, which is the condition for unlocking the next level. It wasn't clear enough [*]Map 31 modification: the south secondary path is longer now, it was way too short before [*]Pollen can now hit flying creatures [*]Add a cooldown time of 2 seconds by default for each flying creature call [/list]