[h1]What's good Heisters?[/h1] We hope you enjoyed the ICEBREAKER event and that you have a blast in our new HOLDOUT game mode. We definitely have a good time watching everyone play or reading through your feedback and ideas. Today's hotfix addresses the text issues in the new mode. Don't forget the hostage, [url=https://twitter.com/follow_symN][b]OVERKILL_symN[/b][/url] [url=https://twitter.com/overkill_tm]OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.[/url] [h1]Update 186.1 Changelog[/h1] Update size: 5.6 Mb [b]HOLDOUT[/b] [list] [*]Fixed the ERROR string that showed when joining an ongoing WEEKLY [*]Tweaked all heist descriptions to better fit the space [*]Adjusted the description field to avoid cut off text [/list]