[h1]Hello Heisters![/h1] The Midland Ranch heist is the first chapter in the epic saga we call Texas Heat. Our fearless heisters have headed down south and are getting ready to gain another ally and another mortal foe. [h2]Midland Ranch[/h2] Gemma McShay has come to us with a proposition, a way we can make some cash and take out her main rival in a single blow. Notorious gunrunner Esteban Santiago runs his operation out of a ranch compound in rural Texas. No cattle or horse riding lessons here, just a massive collection of weapon prototypes worth a fortune on the black market. If we can get those guns to Gemma, she'll pay us top dollar. And if we can sabotage Esteban's workshop on the way out, we'll get a nice bonus. Bring some big iron or sneak in undetected, the choice is yours, but Esteban's operation will take a heavy blow today. [h2]US Marshals[/h2] The US Marshal Sharpshooter, feared by villains and crooks all over Texas. In PAYDAY, we’re introducing them as a new enemy alongside the Midland Ranch heist. These enemies will try to stay at a middle distance, not quite as far as snipers, but further away than the regular cops. Be on the lookout for the glint of their scopes or the trail of their bullets as this new combatant will come after you, no matter what difficulty you play on. After we’ve received some feedback from you lovely people, the US Marshal will start appearing in other levels as well, we look forward to hearing what you think. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4458711/b3b72412d37402b4400741d4cef7fe4e9ac6847c.png[/img] [h2]The Oil Baron Outfit[/h2] Twitch drops! This set is available for anyone who connects their Starbreeze account with Twitch and then watches any drops enabled stream. This giveaway will run until the [i]21th of July.[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4458711/1a10948b382d1b9522a84d1f0d85f21023fb73ad.png[/img][i]Mask: Texas Tea, Gloves: Ranchhand, Suit: Western Chic[/i] [h2]Prime Matter Outfit[/h2] Our friends at Prime Matter are celebrating their 1 year anniversary! To join in the celebration, we’re including another full outfit with a suit, gloves, and a mask. These items are available for everyone that has a synched Starbreeze Account. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4458711/010f04ac9ddb72ec0fcbf007038a3ec25553ab14.png[/img][i]Mask: Prime Time, Suit: New Horizon, Gloves: Dark Matter[/i] Time to bring the heat to Texas. [b]OVERKILL_Tobias[/b] [url=https://twitter.com/overkill_tm]OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.[/url] [h1]Update 223 Changelog[/h1][url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/218620/announcements/detail/5142562396554259010]Find the Changelog Here![/url]