Quick hotfix to some issues that arose from today's release. Sorry for the inconvenience and we hope you are enjoying the heist. Now lets get back to Bain [url=https://twitter.com/TobiasRemmers][b]OVERKILL_Tobias[/b][/url] [url=https://twitter.com/overkill_tm]OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.[/url] [h1]Hot Fix 190.1 Changelog[/h1] Update size: 4.2 Mb [b]Hell's Island[/b] [list] [*][spoiler]Fixed an issue with ragdoll collisions when Bain is carried by Locke[/spoiler] [*]Fixed a gage package that was floating in the air [*]Fixed an issue with the doors to the control tower [*][spoiler]Fixed an issue with Locke navigation in the last part of the escape[/spoiler] [*]Fixed an issue with a faulty collision volume [list]