[h1]INCOMING![/h1] We're very happy to announce today that Pathway - our pulp adventure strategy RPG - is releasing on [b]April 11th[/b]! To celebrate this announcement, we've released the launch trailer below: https://youtu.be/wesvzmNEMpU The game will be be available in English, German and French at launch. Japanese and Chinese support coming soon. It's been a long journey to this point - nearly 4.5 years - and Pathway is now properly prepared for you all to saddle up, grab your pistols, pile into the jeep and set off on a grand adventure! Don't forget to Wishlist if you haven't already, and we will see you all in Pathway very soon! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32317572/ae8335ad785c961280d208684336fc3984cdabbf.gif[/img]