[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32317572/417fcc384374de0b4e62132d3d33e5e635d8c953.gif[/img] Just a little over two years ago the first version of Pathway came out, and it's been a wild journey since then! We've pushed out over 50 updates since the initial release, and thanks to everyone in our amazing community we now have a game that is far better than what we started out with. Your feedback has been a tremendous help in shaping the game. So thank you everyone for your amazing support throughout the last 2 years! We wanted to take this moment to highlight two community efforts that we think everyone should know about and a little something from us ... [h3]Warpath Mod (by Petru) [/h3] The Warpath mod is to our knowledge the first (and only?) mod Pathway has received. Whilst we're not officially supporting mods through Steam, quite a lot of elements in the game can be tweaked and distributed to other players. Petru is a pillar of our community and he's created a complete rebalancing of the original game. Here's a look at the changes: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32317572/fae0d25052d876a0ca44f6ba3ce22dc2d221d22d.png[/img] We think it's amazing what Petru has done! If you want a new/fresh experience check out the instructions on how to install the mod over on nexusmods: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/pathway/mods/1]Warpath on Nexusmods[/url] There's also a post in the forums if you want to get involved: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/546430/discussions/0/5011908545175446466/]Warpath Steam Forum Thread[/url] [h3]Community Italian Translation (by Darth Vader, Metallo, PiuMeglio)[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32317572/920ae9a6c0f44a820f32735a5f6ea5a0dec63bbc.png[/img] Darth Vader has been spearheading a community effort to translate the game to Italian. They've just recently reached a huge milestone of translating the entire game. Darth Vader has created a post in the forums and anyone interested in testing this out should head over there for instructions: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/546430/discussions/0/3163190952009807255/]Lingua Italiana / Italian Language[/url] [h3]But wait .. there's one more thing[/h3] Today we can finally announce that Pathway is getting [b]controller support[/b]! It's taken us a while to get here, for reasons we can't talk about (yet ːsteamsadː). As of today, the controller version is available on the preview branch (for instructions how to access the preview version [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/546430/announcements/detail/1637531887504144761]here[/url]). Keep in mind, this is a preview release, and with that you can expect some bugs. But if you're ok with a few rough edges, we'd love your help in testing this build before we release it to everyone else! This build also includes a few other UI tweaks and fixes. Note: The macOS version is currently not supported on the preview branch. We will release an updated version asap. Here's the full changelog: [list] [*] Controller Support: Finally! This version adds "beta" controller support to Pathway. After launching the game, go to options->controls and change the controls mode to turn on controllers. At the moment only Xbox (compatible) Controllers are fully supported. It may work with other controllers if you remap some of the buttons yourself with a third-party tool. We'll work towards fixing this up before we push it onto the main release branch. [*] Overhauled load out screen: The load out screen has received an overhaul. Both the character selection and the equipment phase are now combined into one. You can toggle between the jeep storage and the character info. [*] A few additional UI tweaks: Some fatter borders around buttons and some additional feedback in some places. A few actions have better target indication now. [*] Added some missing translations [*] Added some new glyphs to the fonts (Spanish) [*] Some memory and performance improvements/tweaks [*] Fixed loot drops in Adventure 4 final fight [*] Fixed Bastet's Amulet missing from Artefact drops [*] Fixed some potential map blockers in bunker maps [*] Lots of smaller fixes we're forgetting [/list] If you aren't part of our discord, come join us there to stay up-to-date with the latest discussions around the game: [url=http://discord.gg/robotality]http://discord.gg/robotality[/url] Until next time!