[h1]What's in the bunker?![/h1] We have a surprise for you all today! Chucklefish have uploaded roughly [i]10 minutes[/i] of uninterrupted Pathway gameplay footage! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32317572/a1ecc2099dd20b588ad101af301d16925cda7764.gif[/img] In the video below, you get a small taste of the second adventure - "The Wrath Of God". What you'll see there is just 1 of 3 maps you'll be exploring during this particular quest... https://youtu.be/silXc3DGt0M Also, keep in mind that there is a degree of procedural generation at work here; when you finally get a chance to play the game yourself, your adventure will turn out much different (and perhaps less lucky) than my own! The game is progressing at a rapid pace and we are getting very close to the finishing line. Exciting times ːsteamhappyː