With every great adventure, you are bound to come across a few interesting characters. Whether you are closely following the story arc of the protagonist, or butting heads with some mysterious and sinister menace, memorable characters are an essential part of any story. We’d like to take an opportunity today to fill you in on how Characters are an important part of your experience in Pathway, and explain our level advancement system in some more detail. [h1]Assemble Your Troupe![/h1] At the start of your adventure, you’ll be given an opportunity to select a couple of characters to begin your journey. One character I find myself using fairly often is Jackson... [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32317572/4decee205a27a71240c0d622a03fb745235fd021.gif[/img] [u][b]Jackson Sheffield[/b][/u] [b]Vitals[/b]: 32 year old male [b]Nationality[/b]: British-American, born in Boston, MA, United States of America The “American Globetrotter”. Jackson is a carefree daredevil with a dry sense of humour. His boyish awkwardness strikes a chord with the ladies and chronically fools male adversaries into underestimating him. Behind his harmless facade lurks a true fighter, tough to the bone. Not classically good-looking, but handsome in a negligent sort of way. A distinctive, unique face upon which life has already left its marks. [i]“See, Fraulein Sturmbannfuhrer, it's not at all what it looks like... Say, has anyone ever told you that you have really beautiful hair? I mean, really beautif- Hey, watch it!”[/i] [h1]Learning As You Go…[/h1] Pathway boasts a simple-to-use, yet diverse character-leveling system; every character advances in the same way (through Events and Encounters, but more on this later), however, each character has [b]their own unique set of Skill Perks[/b] to choose from as they advance. For example, Jackson begins the game with the following, unique Skill Perks: [list][*][b]Nazi Hunter[/b]: +25% dmg vs Nazis [*][b]Animal Lover[/b]: -25% dmg vs Animals (usually cute German Shepherds… until they bite!)[/list] After obtaining Level 2, we can open up Jackson’s Skill Perk table and select from either: [olist][*][b]Trickster[/b]: Enables his team to select actions that require deception. [*][b]Daredevil[/b]: Enables his team to select actions that are high risk yet high reward. [*][b]Occultist[/b]: Enables his team to select actions related to occult knowledge. [/olist] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32317572/5088925c267a456d83f61babf60a7754f5d7de3f.png[/img] Beyond the various tactical choices you’ll be presented throughout your game, Pathway’s leveling system presents you with a choice on how your characters will evolve. This gives them new and exciting ways to tackle the various encounters you will face... [i]Normally your team would be wise to sneak past the fortified Nazi encampment, but Jackson, feeling a bit like a Daredevil, thinks he can rig the fuel depot to explode… What do you do?[/i] ːsteamhappyː Oh and whilst we have your attention: What would you like to hear more about? Any aspect of the game you are curious about?