[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32317572/f455d431cb4ecb99f170a603f5d9427d76ff1d23.gif[/img] [b][i]Respec Skill Tree, Improved Dog Friendly mode and a new No Bloodshed mode make it into the latest build![/i][/b] It's been a while since our last update, but we've got some goodies going into today's version! As mentioned in our previous devlog, our focus in general has shifted towards a bigger free update that we're releasing at the end of summer. We're making fantastic progress on this and we're putting together a blog post soon (next week) to talk about some of the things we're working on. We're still however adding new things to the game and fixing bugs. Thank you everyone for reporting issues and helping us improve the game! So... what's new in today's build? [h1]Respec Skill Tree[/h1] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32317572/2064c6ab13e8048fd9d73161f261600be16568ed.png[/img] Often requested - We've added the ability respec skill trees. It currently is tied to an increasing cost and each subsequent respec is more expensive than the previous one. The current cost is balanced so that most players in the mid-to-late game won't have a problem respeccing characters a few times, but it does prevent the choices from being completely irrelevant. This behaviour may change again and we welcome feedback on this. This respec option is only available during the team selection phase before you start on an adventure. [h1]Improved Dog Friendly Mode[/h1] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32317572/4e2816ffd62296aeaf4891f23534513ebf437b44.gif[/img] We always wanted to improve on our dog friendly mode and change some of the animations and graphics when fighting dogs. Dogs now also disappear into a parallel universe when they decide they've had enough of human silliness (as depicted above). This new improved mode also removes character prompts that are hurtful towards dogs. As before, you can activate this in the options menu. [h1]New No Bloodshed Mode[/h1] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32317572/1edddcc3d3bc91e3a1e111f58381c0325a42c058.gif[/img] We understand that not everyone appreciates the bloodshed in the game. We ourselves wanted to be able to share this game with our kids and some of the depictions were just a bit too graphic for that. This mode removes all blood and gory parts in the game. Some of them get replaced and some of them are simply removed. You can see the difference in the sample above. The gameplay is in no way impacted by this. Besides this things, there's a slew of bugfixes and improvements listed below. We've got some extremely exciting things baking right now and we can't wait to share it with you soon. Stay tuned and thanks for playing! ːsteamhappyː [b]Full Changelog Version 1.0.13:[/b] [list] [*] Added option to reset skill tree: It is now possible to reset the skill tree of a character during the setup phase before the adventure begins. There's a cost attached to it and every time you reset a character the cost increases exponentially. We may change/adapt how exactly all this works again in the future. [*] No Bloodshed option: When active, the game removes or replaces blood and gore. It changes nothing in terms of gameplay, but simply removes some elements of gore. [*] Improved Dog Friendly option: When active, the dog friendly mode now in addition to removing sfx also makes the dogs disappear rather then die. We've also disabled any character prompts that may be seen as hurtful towards dogs. [*] Characters can now be leveled-up during the adventure setup phase: You'll now notice a little level-up indicator on characters that haven't had their level up choices picked. You may level them up by accessing the skill tree in the skills tab. [*] Fixed a bug that caused the loading screen in the final encounter in Adventure III to hang. [*] Improved start-up loading time: Especially on older systems the initial start-up time of the game should be improved now. [*] Damage calculation has been slightly tweaked. In most situations this won't be noticeable, but in some circumstances it can lead to a slightly increased damage. [*] Fixed a bug that caused the Damage Preview for punching to be wrong [*] Fixed a bunch of UI issues that caused the journal to not get updated. Amongst other issues, it fixes the problem that level-up selections weren't reflected immediately on the stats and skills. [*] Fix a bug that allowed the punch to explode barrels at a distance. [*] Fix a bug that showed the Damage Preview for enemies out of range sometimes [*] Fixed a crash bug that could occur in rare situations after loading from save game [*] Ambushes are now also correctly invalidated by Grenade damage. [*] Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash due to the No Bloodshed option in some situations. [*] Fixed a bug that caused the XP indicator to still show when characters were at max level. [*] Fixed a bug in the skill tree of Donut/Fenris. [*] Fixed a bug in LeFantome's skill tree that caused a glitch in some situations [*] Fixed a bug that caused infected to die twice when being killed with a bleed and triggering an explosive barrel at the same time. [/list]