[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32317572/28b0e33f51d7b7ab459a5a2550210854a33ab536.png[/img] [b]Pathway has only been out for a little over 24 hours and we can't express enough how grateful we are to all of you! Thank you so much for taking the time to check out our little game![/b] Of course, we have also noticed the concerns many of you have voiced and we want to address some of the issues raised and hopefully clarify our plans for the future. Most importantly: [i]We hear you and we are listening[/i]. We are entirely committed to Pathway and we will continue supporting and tweaking the game to make it the absolute best it can be. Your incredible support makes this possible. Over the next few days we will be focused on getting as many bugs fixed as possible. We've already released two hotfix patches and have just now released another version on Steam addressing more issues (changelog below). We will keep working on smaller quality of life updates as things come up. In the medium term (over the next weeks) we want to look at ways to address some of the more fundamental concerns brought up. Many of you voiced that the game can feel repetitive and that there's not enough variety. Some things like the same event popping up multiple times in the same adventure are simply bugs. Other issues have to do with how the procedural generation works. We believe that with some work on our side we will be able to much better present the variety the game possesses. There is a lot to discover in Pathway, but we can do better at making sure you experience it. Another issue we want to address in the medium term are the tactical battles. We had a very distinct design goal when designing the combat for Pathway: Make them fast-paced and fun. Our aim never has been to make an incredibly deep combat system but instead an approachable and fun battle system to go alongside our event driven exploration. Big picture, we think we succeeded. However, there are definitely some issues we want to fix and areas to improve. The AI needs work, some mechanics are not clearly communicated and we believe we can do more to characterise the uniqueness of the enemy classes. Of course, we are also planning on releasing the Japanese and Chinese versions of the game in the near future. More localisations are currently being looked at but we don't have anything confirmed just yet. Long term we are committed to more content. We have so many ideas on how to expand on Pathway. Northern Africa was a pretty obvious choice for our initial adventures, but there are many more exciting places we want to send our adventurers to. As mentioned above we have also just released a new patch. Below are the fixes and changes included in this update. [b]Version 1.0.4 Changelog:[/b] - We added an optional "Confirm Move" toggle in the Game options. When activated, you will have to click again to confirm your move before it is executed. This is to prevent accidental moves. - We added a "Dog friendly" mode. This can be activated in the Game options. At the moment this simply disables the dog hit/die sfx. But we are planning on expanding on this and completely removing the die animations/blood. - We've added additional fallback options for our shadow rendering that should fix issues we've seen on certain hardware configurations causing the game to crash at load and during gameplay. - Added option to disable Reverb SFX effect. This may help on systems that have experience audio issues. - Fix a bug that would let you recruit a character twice in a row - Fixed a bug with character unlocks. Some people had met the conditions for unlocking a character but still couldn't use them when starting a new adventure. These characters are now properly unlocked and the issue has been fixed. - We fixed a bug that caused crit hits that also killed a target to not count towards achievements, combat stats and adventure stats. - We improved loading times in some events