[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32317572/832225a4d630d2618a6c2010b782a9941819f553.png[/img] [h1]After months of work, today is the day we're finally releasing the Adventurers Wanted Update![/h1] This major free update includes A LOT of changes and additions. We are going to list the most important changes below, but you can read a [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/546430/discussions/0/1628539910028181152/]full changelog in the forums here[/url]. If you haven't played the game in a while, this is a fantastic opportunity to give it another go. We'd love to hear what you think! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32317572/5544332102ac4a86fe2a8d648fc928d144ac0365.png[/img] [h1]New Abilities[/h1]There is a total of 18 new combat abilities in the game. These abilities add many new ways to interact with enemies and allies in combat. For a full list of abilities please see this forum post. [h1]Reworked Skill Trees[/h1]Every character has received a new skill tree. You'll notice that each character now lists an ability at level 1. This is the character's starting ability. You will also be able to unlock up to 2 more abilities for each character. These reworked skill trees really help in underlining each character's uniqueness. [h1]New and reworked events[/h1]We have added a sizeable amount of new events to the update. There are many new combat arenas (ex. airfield, farms, etc.) providing lots of new combat variety. In addition to this, we've also added dozens of adventure specific events providing flavour that is unique to each adventure. We've also reworked many existing events to provide more interesting choices, rewards and serious consequences. [h1]New Consumables System[/h1]Instead of stacking up consumable items like medkits, repairkits or grenades you now collect a new resource called Supplies. When you use a consumable, one supply resource is consumed. Just like other resources such as fuel and ammo you begin each adventure with a starting amount. Supplies can be found as loot or bought from merchants. You still need a medkit item equipped in order to heal your team however! [h1]New Combat Modes[/h1]Advantage, Blindsided and Tumult. Each combat mode tweaks how the combat begins. In Blindsided for example, the enemy surprised you. Your squad begins the combat with a panic penalty which only permits one action in the first turn. [h1]Game Rebalanced[/h1]We've made tweaks to all enemies, characters and items. The money economy has also been improved. In general the game should feel much more balanced now. We've also added more ways to customize difficulty such as the option to make combat groups larger or smaller. [h1]New Armor system[/h1]Armors now work as a direct damage reduction. If you have an armor with 10 AR, you will receive -10 reduction to your incoming damage. As a consequence you will almost always receive a bit of damage to your health. Armor generally receives damage with every hit. How much damage an armor receives is determined by the weapon's "Armor Shredding". [h1]New Item System[/h1]The general item system has received an overhaul. Items now follow a level progression. Each higher level being stronger than the previous one. Within each level you may find rare, epic or even legendary variations which will yield additional boosts and benefits. The main reason for this change is to allow a more even progression through the game without having to rely on legendary items. Rare, epic and legendary items still give significant improvements, but are no longer required to finish the game. This removes a lot of the previous RNG-based grinding. [h1]Artifacts[/h1]Unique (and very rare) items that can only be found once per profile. Artifacts can be placed in a character's off-hand equipment slot. Some of them yield stat boosts or open up event options whilst others may even unlock new abilities. It's worth noting that Artifacts can be used by all characters and don't require a skill to use. [h1]New Languages[/h1]Chinese and Japanese translations are now part of the game in addition to the already existing translations in German and French. [i][b]Important Note: [/b][/i]Due to the significant changes made to characters, this update will reset your character's skill tree. You won't lose your progress, but you get a free reskill. You may also notice that some items have changed. This is also due to some significant changes in the underlying items system. You may prefer to create a new profile and experience all these changes with a fresh start! [i][b]We really hope you'll enjoy this update! Thank you for all your support and messages throughout the last few months, it's been an incredible journey ♥[/b][/i]