[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44238128/b425385e01846f34cafaea4c0bc3382d78edd57d.png[/img] Sick and tired of your brekkie being cold when you get it? Devo when some bludger can’t do some hard yakka and delivers your parcel late? [b]Then join the Wallaby Wheelers to solve all ya problems! [/b] We are: [list] [*] Half British [*] Half Australian [*] Half Human [*] Half Bike [*] 150% courier [*] Incredibly bad at maths [*] Reliable, determined delivery geniuses who will run everyone else off the road to get deliveries done on time (or your money back *) [/list] Sound good? Then sign up to be one of our couriers today! Our training is quick and rated 6 stars out of 5! Our roster includes the ever-serious Ross, the friendly Zain, and Jess, who is here for the vibes. [i]*No refunds. [/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44238128/95cc8eb3cec55c9015453f0d328babb7d5442d3a.png[/img] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2015960/Parcel_Corps/   Want to get updates on your Parcel Corps order? Wishlist us and join our [url=https://discord.com/invite/TYXxVxbvCC]Discord[/url] to get all the latest news and sneak peeks!