Hello, future digital bicycle courier! Exciting news delivery: our corporate overlords (Secret Mode Ltd) are delighted to confirm that Parcel Corps has been nominated for "Most Anticipated" game in the upcoming Debug Indie Game Awards! Fittingly for an election year, the winner will be decided at the ballot box, by none other than you, discerning reader! So get your skates on... no, wait, hang on, that might be a bit too derivative... Mount your bike and zip on over to the official voting page and help crown Parcel Corps the Most Anticipated game of 2024! Cast your vote here: https://www.teamdebug.com/awards/vote Remember, every vote helps us get word out about the game and, ultimately, slightly increases the chances our publisher will see a return for their modest investment! So spread the word! Thank you! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44238128/ca46af9b87fbce8a6c214f13a3feb9f481a08c56.png[/img]