Thank you everyone for your interest and valuable feedbacks during the Next Fest. I will be responding to every feedback once I have something solid to show for it. With this devlog, we will be going over most requested features, gameplay changes and bug fixes. I will be writing about the battle update on a separate devlog. These changes are NOT live in the demo version as of right now. Demo will be updated together with the battle update. [h3]New features:[/h3] - You can have multiple save files now. - Character cards now indicate which job they are working on and whether or not they are idle in the infobar. [img][/img] - Card push away logic is rewritten to always prefer older cards except if the newer card is locked. Push away power is also changed to order cards right next to it. [previewyoutube=o8dV9SETd2w;full][/previewyoutube] - Card texts now fade away as the camera zooms out so that it's easier on the eyes. This effect can be toggled through settings menu. - Some buildings now have levels, job requirements scale with building levels (doubles for each level but subject to change) and in order to level up a building you need to complete jobs that grant experience. Jobs that grant experience are limited but they scale with the building level. Level 1 version of every job that scales is also available and they are unlimited. Even though I like the freedom of having 50 Farmers on 1 Farmland, this change aims to make it redundant because managing many cards become annoying super quick. [img][/img] [h3]Gameplay changes:[/h3] - You can see the requirements for recipes in the recipe menu now. - Cards now return to their last valid position if they were released on top of a card they can't be attached to. - Descriptions for types instead of tags now clearly indicate which tags of that type are valid options. [img][/img] - Requirements now have "except" mechanics, only useful for Marketplace right now. - Character cards now equip the tools they built, only if they can actually equip it, a Woodsman building Farmer Tools won't equip it. - Days now have 24 ticks (it was 4 before), this change was made for simulating the battles better. - Game speeds 2 and 3 are adjusted to match the game speeds before the tick change. - Added 1 more speed option (turbo) and made speed 1 slower. - Cards now also have coin values. - Marketplace now requires 10xResource + Trader or 1xAnimal + Trader to trade. [img][/img] - House no longer has a manager job, automation of Meal production is moved to new card Inn. - Locked cards don't auto-destroy at 0 amount now. These cards can't be attached to any other card and will be auto-destroyed if they are no longer locked. If they were attached to a card before they got 0 amount however they will stay attached. - Attached cards now get stacked if the parent card has any other of that tag. (If you attach 1xMeat to a Butchery that already has 4xMeat attached to it, Meat cards will stack together to 5xMeat) - Changed resource requirements of most recipes. - Changed limit of some jobs. [h3]New Cards:[/h3] - [b]Weaver's Shop[/b]: Uses Flax to produce Cloth - [b]Cloth[/b]: Has no use except it's value yet - [b]Flax[/b]: Can be farmed in Farmlands, similar to Wheat - [b]Tannery[/b]: Uses Rawhide to produce Leather - [b]Rawhide[/b]: Obtained by butchering Cows - [b]Inn[/b]: Uses 1xWheat and 1xMeat to produce 3xMeal (subject to change), can be automated - [b]Toolbox[/b]: Stores Tools - [b]Stable[/b]: Grows Horses with Farmer, similar to Pasture - [b]Horse[/b]: Has no use except it's value yet - [b]Masonry[/b]: Uses Rocks to produce Bricks - [b]Brick[/b]: Can be used to build various recipes [h3]Settings Changes:[/h3] - Added new setting "Play Monthly Sound Effects", which toggles the settler fed, settler hungry etc. sound effects. - Added new setting "Card Collisions", which toggles the card collisions :D - Added new setting "Always Show Card Texts", which toggles the card infobar's opacity changes by camera zoom level. - Added controls to the Settings Menu, these are not changeable as of right now. [h3]Various changes:[/h3] - Notifications now fade away after 30 seconds. - Notifications only show one of each type of notification per tick now. - Increased opacity for old notifications for visual clarity. - Tips menu auto-disables if there are no tips now. - Manager automation process now looks visually more appealing. - Changed background grid sizes, they are now 2x their previous size. [h3]Technical changes:[/h3] - Settings file is now stored as a JSON, this will cause your audio levels to reset just this once. - Changed the renderer to Forward+, this provides a performance boost but older PCs might have a problem running the game. [h3]Bug Fixes:[/h3] - Fixed settlement progress percentage showing too many decimals. - Fixed settlement progress percentage going over 100% with multiple cards. - Fixed a bug where "No recipes unlocked yet" text would still show even though there are unlocked recipes. - Fixed card infobar showing under other elements in some cases. - Fixed hover menu getting stuck under some rare cases. - Fixed hover menu not triggering if you hover over a card with camera movement instead of moving the mouse. - Fixed card infobar size not adjusting correctly in some cases. - Fixed fill requirements using Shift+Right Click on Recipe cards causing a hover menu bug. - Fixed Manager getting extra cards if the half of the requirements are already met. - Fixed cards failing to auto-assign jobs if they get downgraded while attached to a card. (If you unassign Woodsman while attached to a Forest, it will now start working on getting sticks) - Fixed game speed changes not taking effect instantly on lower end PCs. We are also delaying the release date to 20th of September, I know it's a big delay but I just want to make sure the game is in a good condition and everyone gets their money's worth.