Combat mechanics changed a lot from what I originally planned to implement, thus the dev time it took to implement it. We believe this is a really good starting point for the combat mechanics and we will be improving on this in future iterations. This update will be pushed to the demo version with the Early Access release. Battles have width (1 to x) and type (naval or land) that are pre determined by the game events. A battle with 3 width can only have 3 cards at one side, and a naval battle can only have naval units fighting in it. Later we plan on adding "height" to battles as well, so the ranged cards would be attacking from behind. [img][/img][i]This is a Raid event. Raid events are further explained in [url=]Early Access announcement[/url].[/i] Every character, some animals (bear, dog, wolf) and transportation cards have combat stats. Later we will also add combat stats to buildings such as Walls. [img][/img] [i]Combat stats of Assassin, this card is only obtainable through game events.[/i] [h3]Combat Stats[/h3] [b]Attack:[/b] How much damage a card deals at a successful hit. [b]Health:[/b] How much damage a card can take before dying. Damaged cards can be healed at Hut, Cottage, House or Barracks. [b]Accuracy:[/b] Chance of a successful hit. Simulated before the defender's evasion and block chance. [b]Evasion:[/b] Chance of dodging a successful hit. Simulated right after accuracy. [b]Block:[/b] Chance of blocking a successful hit. Simulated right after evasion. [b]Counter Attack:[/b] Chance of hitting the attacker while defending. You can only counter attack after you successfully evaded or blocked the incoming hit. Ranged cards such as Archer and Artillery can NOT counter attack. Naval units are exception to this rule, all naval units are ranged and can counter attack. [b]Critical Hit Chance:[/b] Chance of a critical (2 times the damage) hit. Simulated after evasion and block. [b]Break Shield Chance:[/b] Chance of destroying the block stats of defender card with a successful hit. Cards with broken shields can't block during the ongoing battle anymore. [b]Attack Rate:[/b] Cooldown before this card can attack again. [b]Attack Speed:[/b] How long it takes for this card to attack and return back to it's battle position. For ranged cards such as Archer and Artillery it's the speed of their projectiles hitting the defender. [h3]Combat Mechanics[/h3] [previewyoutube=laWbZ-wk_Vc;full][/previewyoutube] - Before fighting a battle you will need to add cards to it. SHIFT + Right Clicking on a battle will auto fill it with cards that are highest in attack power. - When you are ready, you can hold Ready button to start the battle. You can also choose not to fight by readying a battle without adding any cards. Not fighting a battle will make your settlers angry and you will be considered the losing side. - You can see the consequences of a battle by hovering over the [i][b]i[/b][/i] icon. - Once a battle is ready, every card in it will get a random cooldown depending on their attack rate. - Cards will prefer to fight enemy cards that are closest to them.