v1.0.0.15 Released!
Author: Dead Drop Studios LLC,
published 1 month ago,
[h1]Outbreak: Shades of Horror Chromatic Split Patch v1.0.0.15 has been released.[/h1]
[h2]This update includes:[/h2]
[*] Significant performance improvements in the final boss fight area, the final cinematic sequence, and at the end of Act 1. We identified models that had been performance tuned but didn't have them applied to all instances. Your framerate and memory usage in these areas should be extremely improved. On our 4090 dev rig, we now see 90FPS with all settings maxed on 1080P with DLSSAA on in these areas, whereas it was much lower before.
[*] Major gameplay trigger points across the title have been improved to ensure the player cannot miss them. Speedrunners identified several areas where a play could jump or move in an extremely specific way to dodge the trigger starting. While great for the speed running community, it would cause normal players to have a subpar experience, so these areas are fixed.
[*] Minor fixes to player sliding animations.