v1.0.0.13 Released!
Author: Dead Drop Studios LLC,
published 1 month ago,
[h1]Outbreak: Shades of Horror Chromatic Split Patch v1.0.0.13 has been released.[/h1]
[h2]This major update includes:[/h2]
[*] [u][b]Remapping menu for Keyboard, Mouse, and Gamepad controls is now available.[/b][/u] Access it via either the Main Menu, or ingame at any time by pressing escape and going to the Rebind Keys button. Keyboard and Mouse controls are at the top, and scroll down in the menu to see where gamepad controls can be changed. As part of this update we removed some minor iconography across the title and put in warning messages where default controls are being shown.
[*] [b][u]Shader Compile button is now available in the settings menu.[/u][/b] When you press this button, the game will compile all shaders across the title. These compiled shaders are then stored in the local directory and should not require recompilation except when new content is released for the title.
[*] Numerous inconsistencies with game statistics being reported in the Escape menu during gameplay, and on the rankings screen have been fixed. Stats should now remain consistent, and requirements for higher level rankings have been relaxed. New extremely high level rankings have also been added for borderline perfect playthroughs.
[*] [u][b]Framerate options have been improved, including 120FPS, 240FPS, and unlocked framerates.[/b][/u] You can change this in the video settings.
[*] Issues where physicals props, like gun magazines during reload, passing through the player while moving have been adjusted.
[*] [u][b]Upgraded to Unreal Engine 5.4's enhanced input model.[/b][/u] This offers superior input handling for controls across all input devices and you should notice a slight improvement in fluidity on gamepads and mice especially.
[*] Breakable objects will now always shatter on their first hit. This was most commonly seen with barrels which typically required multiple hits to actually have their breaking animation play.
[*] A new weapon is available at the end of the game on NG+ in high difficulties if you can find it.
[*] Performance has been improved and memory usage is reduced across the entire title.