[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33544040/bdaaca22bc658ccf1388c64ca10f06e310a6ae18.jpg[/img] Greetings, Chosen Ones, We just released a patch featuring multiple bug fixes and improvements, including[b] increasing the UI font size[/b]. Read the patch notes below to learn more about what’s in this hotfix. [h1]Improvements[/h1] [list] [*] Increased the UI font size [/list] [h1]Bug fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed some cases where stats could end up being negative [*] Corrected the description of Deacon Confession and Absolution [*] Fixed an issue with Boost Aggression range [*] The Mother skill tutorial tooltips are now aligned properly on all layouts and resolutions. [*] Fixed several tooltips UI layout for the Mother’s skills in the tutorial. [*] Fixed an issue where an enemy could spawn outside of the map when fighting ne Nucleus or the Child [*] Multiple fixes related to the Mother voice playback [*] Allowed Remembrances to be unlocked on instant death skills [*] Fixed an issue where inner void would get locked if ending a recollection while the event “Lost” was still active [*] Fixed an issue where fleeing the mission during arrival sequence could block the game [*] Fixed an issue with showing save slot information with some specific system Calendar settings, for example, the Thai Buddhist Calendar [*] Fixed an issue where you were unable to name your Daughter with the first letter in capital [*] Fixed an issue where fleeing the mission would show your daughters alive on the mission end screen [*] Made some balancing changes to enemies (types and quantity) [*] Various bug fixes and tweaks [/list]