[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33544040/5606ced66904edb89ea0c57090c2d8ddfa0d0869.gif[/img] [h1]Greetings, Chosen Ones,[/h1] [h3][b]The Sharing is Caring Update is now live on Steam![/b][/h3] Discover the new features we added to Othercide along with some QoL changes and bug fixes. The Sharing is Caring Update is based on your reports and suggestions. We want to thank you for being such an involved and great community. To download the Sharing is Caring update, don't forget to quit Steam and reopen it to see the update appear. As always, feel free to give us any feedback and suggestions, or ask us any questions. We’re more than willing to help! Head over to our official Discord server, it’s the best places to chat with us. Our Discord: https://discord.gg/jFN7Q35D3Z We hope you'll like the update! Othercide team [h2]Full patch notes[/h2] [h3]🩸 New Features:[/h3] [list] [*]Seed system [list] [*]Allows you to play and compare your progress and strategies with friends. [*]A Seed is a code (a small line of digits between 6 and 7) that determines everything in a campaign: the order of missions spawned, the monsters encountered and the stats of the player characters [*][b]Seeds you can try:[/b] - [u]636425:[/u] With this Seed, you'll profit from an event early on that will let you do more than one battle with a daughter a day. Great to multiply your xp gain quickly and start your run strong! But watch out, while the event is active you won't be able to manage your daughters, so be careful. However, the enemies will also benefit from the damage bonus; so be prepared. - [u]280342:[/u] Start your run with some warm-up! A balanced Seed starting with easy missions and becoming more difficult as you progress in the first era. - [u]161391:[/u] This Seed will give you a rescue mission as your third mission on a not-so-common map at such an early stage. Also you should encounter the Adrenaline event around the same time, which will give you a pretty nice damage boost for a start. [/list][/list][list] [*]Renaming the Daugthers [/list] [h3]🩸 QoL Changes:[/h3] [list] [*]Sorting mode now locked for Daughters lists [*]The pop up window to end the turn during a fight has been removed [/list] [h3]🩸 Bug Fixes:[/h3] [b]7.46 and after:[/b] [list] [*]Lack of Ritual missions spawning. [*]Finishing a run by defeating the final boss may reset the memories section of the codex. [*]Using a remembrance allowing to skip an area may cause various numerous glitches. [*]The event "Extinguished" breaks when a Synapse is closed while the event is active. [*]The voice lines of the Mother and Bosses may overlap. [*]When a daughter has a specific hairstyle (bangs), if she enters a synapse with one other daughter or more, she may copy the hairstyle of one of them during the following mission. [*]Not enough enemies during a penance mission on the “Quarantine Bridge” and “The Dark Corner” to escape with all daughters. [b]7.48:[/b] [*]Enemies can spawn invisible. [/list]