Community Update 28/07/2020
Author: chaton,
published 4 years ago,
Greetings, Chosen Ones,
First off we’d like to extend a huge thanks to all of you supporting Othercide! We’ve been watching you play and reading your feedback for the past hours. [b]We’re now hard at work on fixes for commonly reported issues[/b].
We’d like to highlight here some issues that the team is working on. We have already [b]two patches planned[/b].
The first one will arrive shortly with a bunch of fixes for some previously known issues and several improvements. You can head to our [url=]Known Issues post[/url] to learn more about what issues are being worked on and their potential workaround.
[b]The second patch will arrive later and include a fix to some of the issues reported since launch[/b], especially the issues listed below. We don’t have a release time window for these fixes yet, but we already have a workaround:
[*] In some cases, you cannot attack or end your turn properly, depending on the language you are using.
[*] Workaround: Install the English Language Pack on Windows and restart your game. It should work properly.
[*] If you get the random event “Lost” during the first day (tutorial), you will be blocked from going to Day 2 and onwards.
[*] Workaround: Start a new campaign by going to the main menu and either erase your save or choose an empty save slot. You will play the tutorial again, but should not be blocked again after that.
[*] If you have a save, launch a new game on another save slot, click cancel on the replay tutorial pop-up and then click on your previous save data, you will lose your progress.
[*] Workaround: Please NEVER CLICK “CANCEL” on the pop-up message and always select “Yes” or “Skip”. If you accidentally click on the save slot, you have to start playing and reach the chronomap before going back to the menu.