[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//12709963/204001cbed09d67b22f933e4edcca3b75421733d.jpg[/img] OneShot is now available in Italian and Russian! Special thanks to our Italian localizers for putting this together, and to our Russian localizer for helping to clean up the previous Russian localization (that we had to pull back a while ago in order to fix some quality issues). Simple Chinese and Traditional Chinese localizations are still being worked on and improved. Also, Publisher Sale! OneShot will be 30% off until November 22nd, 2022, so now's a good time to get it if you don't have it already! A couple of other things to note: -Currently Italian and Russian only fully work on the Windows build, on Mac and Linux they will work for 99% of the game but the [spoiler]clover app[/spoiler] doesn't work in these new languages yet on those 2 platforms. We'll be working to get that fixed soon though. -Changes were made to the way localizations were structured so now it'll be much easier to create fan translations as well! I'll make a post about this later in the forums. EDIT: Here's that post explaining how to make fan translations: https://steamcommunity.com/app/420530/discussions/2/3598968030055831716/