[url=https://youtu.be/p4PMRnDoHmU][img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/12709963/6fee58cf4c5950078ca2930829f770c433140e24.png[/img][/url] What was the inspiration behind OneShot? Do we have plans for updates or DLC in the future? What is [i]really[/i] under Niko's hat? All these questions and many, many more are answered in the OneShot livestream! https://youtu.be/p4PMRnDoHmU Watch as the devs play through the [i]entirety[/i] of OneShot while providing insightful commentary, memorable doodles, and fan revelations! Thanks again to everyone that joined us for the live event! (Note: This entire stream is one big spoiler! We [b]STRONGLY RECOMMEND[/b] you play the game through before watching!)