Availability: From October 11 to November 6 1. Legendary Lightforge Collection (Gold): 1% This includes the Fashion Sets, Bright Cloudlight and Lumina - Sword. 2. Epic Lightforge Collection (Purple): 2.6% This includes the Territory Collection, Autumn Osmanthus. 3. Other Epic rewards (Purple): 54.8% This includes the Cradle cosmetic: Alien Hive, the facility cosmetic: Isolated Securement Unit - Gem, the Furniture Formula: Floor Lamp, the solo pose: Grand Magician, the Collage Magazine Jacket, the Stellar Leather Pants, the Weapon Charm: Growshroom, the Weapon Sticker: Danger Zone, and the Weapon Sticker: Tentacles. 4. Other Rare Rewards (Blue): 41.6% This includes Fast Lane - KAM, Fast Lane - KVD, Fast Lane - Crossbow, the solo pose: Party Night, the Weapon Charm: Rosetta, and the Cradle Charm: Crystal King. *Lightforge Loot Crate: You can open up to 90 Lightforge Loot Crates: Cloud Command.