Ogre updated to Version! GEV scenarios, Mac support and more!
Author: AurochJake,
published 7 years ago,
Hello everyone!
We're finally ready to roll our the major new update to the game! We thank everyone for their feedback and co-operation, we know it's taken a little while and your patience during this period is HUGELY appreciated!
See below for the awesome new features and fixes that the update contains;
- Ogre now available for Mac users!
- Movement added for stacks of units.
- GEV maps and scenarios added to single player, with multiplayer coming very soon!
- Scenario Creator now has Undo/Redo and various tooltip improvements to aid newer users and better explain functions. Should also be able to publish scenarios of any size now.
- Confirm End Phase and Auto-End Phase now added as options in the Game Settings menu.
- 90 degree angle camera increments now added as an option in the Game Settings menu.
- AI tweaks and updates.
- GEV recovery should now be working as intended.
- Added in countdown on Campaign level 4 back into the game.
- Right-shift now works for multi-selecting units (beta user request).
- Changed Nightfall faction colour in combat log to aid visibility.
- Save/Load should now be working correctly. Removed option to save during enemy turn.
- Units can now leave a Bridge/Road hex which has been cut at the end.
- Restart Mission Crash no longer occurring.
- Camo units no longer show unit type on hover.
- Skip reinforcement deployment phase when there are no units left to deploy.
- Overrun bug fixes and improvements.
- Escape Zones now should be working in every game mode.
- Overrunning a treadless Mk 1 with Light Tank should no longer cause any issues.
- General text and minor fixes.
As always, if you encounter any issues with the game, bugs, unusual behaviours etc., then let me know on [email]jake@aurochdigital.com[/email]. Instructions can be found [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/517780/discussions/1/2765630416826204812/]here![/url]