Author: Auroch Matty,
published 2 years ago,
[h1]New Ogre PC Update[/h1]
We have been hard at work updating the PC version of Ogre for our community.
[h2]🏆Added 5 new achievements🏆[/h2]
For all those achievement hunters out there, we have added new achievements for you to find;[list]
[*] [b]Ready Fire [/b]- [i]Have 10+ units (armour or infantry) fire on the same turn[/i]
[*] [b]Demolition Ogre[/b] - [i]Destroy an enemy Ogre in Overrun[/i]
[*] [b]Steel Rain [/b]- [i]Destroy 3 units with spillover fire[/i]
[*] [b]One Ping Only[/b] - [i]Deploy reinforcements when down to one remaining unit[/i]
[*] [b]David and Ogreliath[/b] - [i]Destroy or disable an Ogre using only Infantry or MBS units[/i] [/list]
[h2]✨Added localization for the following languages✨[/h2] [list]
[*] French
[*] Italian
[*] German
[*] Spanish
[*] Brazilian Portuguese
[*] Simplified Chinese
[*] Japanese [/list]
[h2]📚Added custom and premade formations for deployment📚[/h2]
This is a new feature we wanted to bring into the game. For any scenario that requires manual deployment, we now have [b]formations[/b]!
Each of these scenarios will include [i]2 premade[/i] formations of units, so now you'll be able to jump into the action so much quicker.
Each scenario also has[i] 3 custom formation slots[/i], so you can save your perfect formation ready to re-use whenever you jump into that scenario in the future!
[h2]😊Added accessibility options😊[/h2][list]
[*] Disable auto-zoom
[*] Disable intense particles
[*] Disable post-processing effects[/list]
[h2]💥And that's not all...💥[/h2][list]
[*] Added new AI icons for skirmish games
[*] Updated audio
[*] Updated VFX and Post-Processing
[*] Fixed hex highlighting issues[/list]
Also we have released Xbox and PlayStation versions of Ogre today! [i]Switch will be released May 25th. [/i] Read more in our [url=]announcement here[/url]!