November 2022 Update
Author: Auroch Matty,
published 2 years ago,
[h1]Hi folks, [/h1]
[h2]Here is the latest additions and bug fixes for Ogre![/h2]
[*] Added the combat results table to display when clicking the odds tooltip on the attack summary
[*] Updated premade formation 1 in scenario MkIII Attacking
[*] Updated localization
[*] Updated credits
[h2][b]Bug fixes[/b][/h2]
[*] Fixed AI deploying units incorrectly in scenario MkIIIs Attacking
[*] Fixed bridges not having correct strength value
[*] Fixed replay screen speed dial being capped at 1.9x
[*] Fixed nuke effect not displaying correctly
[*] Fixed the "Delete" deploy action not highlighting correctly on right click
[*] Fixed units being selectable when unable to move
[*] Fixed being able to deploy more than 5 infantry to the same hex
[*] Fixed tanks with infantry riding it being selectable for movement after all movement points are used
As always, thank you you for telling us so we can continue working on the game and making it even better for you, our players ✨