[h2]Changelog[/h2] [b]The second major update to oath, including some tie-in content to the new vai5000 song, [i]re:raid[/i][/b] [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45108030/788039a087a3c467c475bf917dc8ed42ccbc56f2.png[/img] [h2]Battle![/h2] This update opens up a brand new building teased in the previous update - head to the top of The Coast map to find the building previously barred off is now open! Go inside to be greeted by a large room with... machines? [list] [*] The re:raid battle area includes 7 machines for you to fight and defeat! [*] Figuring out how to beat all 7 nets you a brand new interior for your house as well as an achievement for your efforts! [*] Each battle has a special stats that make approaching each one slightly different! A hint to each battles special traits is included with some flavor text below their stats. [*] Each of the new battles includes a song by the artist that plays while you fight! Some of these artists are brand new to the game, and all returning cameos have a brand new song included. [/list] [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45108030/4775853c108eefaa5c4344329f6a0b14ccbfea5a.png[/img] [list] [*] Certain battles will reward you with healing items you can use to strategize with! Enemy attack power uses a varied algorithm so that no two attempts at a fight are the same - collect a healing item to turn the tide in your favor? [*] The defend mechanic is a high risk high reward system - generally speaking defending from an attack will reduce the damage taken to a minimal level, letting you survive a strong attack! However, sometimes your defense will fail and you'll take double the damage! Conversely, you might even [i]heal[/i] some damage while defending... Be careful using it! [*] A version of re:raid that is longer than the version as of writing on streaming platforms is also available to listen to in game! It might be helpful to your battles too.... [/list] [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45108030/4bc676021614954c1cfddb6ad9e9094ab18309b3.png[/img] [h2]Playable Cameos[/h2] Every single artist featuring on the new single, [i]re:raid[/i] is now playable in game! [list] [*] All 9 featured artists, across all variations of the track are now able to be used as a playable skin to playthrough the RPG sections of the game! [*] Joining the vai5000 skin, inputting the name of any of the featured artists as your own name in the story mode will switch your skin to that artist until story mode is restarted! [*] You can check what artist you are playing as by the small icon on the main menu with your current skin. [*] Skins work both in the story mode RPG sections as well as the Epilogue - Including both the City and Coast maps! Note you will not be able to enter the re:raid battle arena while playing as an alternate skin [*] [b]A new karaoke song is available![/b] Playing as one of the new cameo skins will allow you to sing a brand new song at the karaoke bar... including some familiar sounds and graphics! [*] A tenth special playable skin is also included.... Unlocked by a secret code... [/list] [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45108030/78f735542391f585d67ba114a836cad56c8359f1.png[/img] [h2]List of playable skins:[/h2] [i](As of update 3.14 - More playable skins have the potential to be added in the future.)[/i] [list] [*] vai5000 [*] swazy* [*] rubyred [*] crusafix [*] aftrr [*] tsuyunoshi [*] zayok [*] crusey [*] 8tsukii [*] nujioh [*] Kazuma Kiryu [i](City only. Access to special events and locations.)[/i] [/list] [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45108030/e8b72a608b4e6bd4283f5b3fb96092b720729cb1.png[/img] [h2]Game Soundtrack[/h2] As you might've seen, the in game soundtrack is now available on Steam! [list] [*] This soundtrack includes songs created specifically for the game, not including any cameo music or full releases. [*] The soundtrack is a standalone addition to your library! Using Steams integrated soundtrack system, you can play the soundtrack directly from/in Steam. You also do not need to own the game to download the soundtrack! [/list] Available Here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3235100/oath_Soundtrack/ [h2]Bugfixes and QoL[/h2] Various bugfixes have been made that fix multiple issues introduced within the last major update. [list] [*] Game crashing on entering the new area very rarely has now been fixed [*] Loading a save into the eimi demo map and going to the bottom right will no longer crash the game [*] The NPCs in the hotel now have their correct dialogue. An upstairs NPC was incorrectly labeled with repeated dialogue, and a downstairs NPC did not have any unique dialogue [*] Numerous clipping issues have been fixed. Areas that look solid but allowed the player to walk through them unintentionally have been removed, including near the cafe and the train tracks near the vinyl. [*] However, the out of bounds glitch in the subway has been kept - doing this now has an expanded intentional area. [*] Multiple signs in artist cameo rooms have been fixed to not crash the game or display the wrong text. [*] Multiple songs in cameo rooms now have corrected notification text [*] [b]Added credits and controls pages to the settings menu![/b] Accessible from the settings menu at any time, you can now view the game controls as well as the credits / information page! [*] We've updated the storepage too! It now reflects the latest updates and delves deeper into the game as a whole - plus it now has animations! [/list] [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45108030/742177562d89e563d8138f5f0170f565ca86e913.png[/img] [b]Thank you again for your support! [/b] To celebrate the release of this update, plus just over a month since launch, a weeklong sale for the game will start October 14th! This update marks the last major planned update - there are currently no plans for future updates outside of bugfixes, but there is still the potential that I'll add brand new updates - both small and large - in the future if there's anything cool I would like to add! If I have the time for it, a full on story expansion / prequel isn't out of the picture, but it might be a while before this update ever comes to fruition... Keep an eye out! Feel free to use the discussion tab on Steam for any questions / queries / help / bug reports, and they'll be gotten to ASAP! [b][h3]As of this post, version 3.16 [i](internally v16.6)[/i] is the latest update.[/h3]