[h2]Changelog[/h2] [b]The first major update for oath, including a brand new expansion to the epilogue[/b] [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45108030/b02e8b2f9abeb63fcfe1f619e8580c05666b8199.png[/img] [h2]To the Coast![/h2] The major addition in this update is a brand new area, accessible after finishing the main game and parts of the epilogue! This new map doubles the size of the epilogue, with tons of secrets to find! [list] [*] Access the new map by interacting with the taxi once you've explored the epilogue a bit! More lively than ever, meet NPCs that move around the map, have quests for you, and interact with the current time of day! [*] The new Coast map is a lot more vertical, with 3 tiers to its world - a vast beach at the bottom, and elevated buildings near the top [*] Multiple new buildings you can enter, with events, secrets and more [/list] [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45108030/6a6378cc9a5a2c392e8946ff9dacda0134ab4eeb.png[/img] [list] [*] [b]Theatre:[/b] go to the theatre to watch the music video for suffocate, from the EP + more! [*] [b]Your House:[/b] Follow one of the new questlines to gain access to a new place to call home! You can customize your new house with multiple different interior styles, which you can unlock around the map! Go explore to find them all.... [*] [b]Cafe:[/b] Check out the cafe! It's only open from 9 am to 5 pm, and not on Sunday though... [/list] [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45108030/146b1228d17f6c6ee5301ad185b081724ccb8496.png[/img] [h2]More Cameos...[/h2] Found all the artist cameos? There's a lot! Well- now there's even more to find! All 20-ish new rooms are accessible from the get-go, but there's a new artist hall to make your life easier as well! [list] [*] 20ish new cameos! None of these count towards the 'oracle' achievement - only the artists present in the artist hall do [*] Once you find all the artist hall artists (and unlock the oracle achievement), you'll gain access to a new artist hall containing all the new cameos! [*] The artist hall signs now tell you if you've visited a room before - perfect for keeping track of which artists you need for the achievement! There's also a sign at the end of the hall that will help you with your progress [/list] [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45108030/217db30c2174bb58cd639edee04aa83c16540784.png[/img] [h2]Plus more![/h2] Multiple quality of life improvements, plus extras have been added! [list] [*] [b]New playable character skin:[/b] you can now play as vai5000 by inputting that as your name! You can play through all the RPG sections with this skin. [i](Please note, while this skin can access the new area, the other secret playable skin cannot. It can however access areas unique to it.)[/i] [*] [b]Main Menu Quality of Life:[/b] along with a few new secret main menu versions, accessible by inputting your name as various things, a little sprite of your currently selected player skin is now in the bottom left corner. This now makes it easier to tell if you're using a skin, and which one! This will be even more helpful later down the line with more potential playable skins in later updates... [*] [b]6 new achievements: [/b]there's 6 brand new achievements to find! All achievements are related to the new Coast area, with some being easy to find (visit the new area), while others will require you to really search around and collect things you find! [/list] [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45108030/e7d19411798ff48377e21e9c376f37c41d9ab206.png[/img] [list] [*] Sound Adjustment: various in game sounds have been slightly edited so that they are levelled better. Less sound effect jumpscares now! You can also modify the volume of music and sound effects separately in the settings menu [*] More demo compatibility: some players realized that due to how the eimi demo (a standalone completely unique area, check it out if you haven't!) communicates to the main game, created saves in the demo allow you to access the special demo map while playing oath. Originally, doing this would result in crashes and other issues - but now there's unique dialogue for doing this! The game will no longer crash when you load any saves from the demo, and will actively scold you for doing so. [*] Quest Autosave: many variables in-game save automatically, regardless of whether you use a save file. This allows them to persist across multiple saves, Story and Home, and be used to customize things such as the main menu. This functionality also makes its way into the new quest in the Coast - doing parts of the quest will permanently unlock their corresponding features, and even if you do not save your progress with a save state, your quest progress will be remembered. [/list] [h2]Bugfixes[/h2] Tons of small bugs and other details have been fixed in this (and some previous) updates! [list] [*] Hitboxes have been modified in some areas allowing tiles that should be walkable to now be actually walkable [*] Music playback in some of the secret artist rooms were incorrectly assigned, this has now been fixed [*] Music playback from vending machines in the epilogue was broken before this update - their original functionality has now been restored! Once you've gotten the oracle achievement, interacting with vending machines across the map more than once will switch the maps music to a song from a member of the music scene. [*] Some users reported crashes that logged missing labels when talking to a cameo artist. This issue has been determined to be from an older build, and is fixed in this current update [*] Static areas such as elevators and trains would show the default player skin when riding them. These have been updated to include custom graphics depending on the player character [*] Moving NPCs have 2 known 'issues' - some might note that their hitboxes can sometimes be a bit odd/large. They're just big boned. A solve for these hitboxes is being worked on, but for the time being just move out of their way. Another NPC is also able to potentially corner you and pin you down, fundamentally resulting in a softlock. This is a feature - if softlocked, please return to the menu. Your quest progress is automatically saved regardless of using the save function [/list] [b]Thank you so much for the support on oath! [/b]Keep an eye out for more new updates down the line, including minor updates + at least one more major update coming mid October to coincide with another special release... Feel free to use the discussion tab on Steam for any questions / queries / help / bug reports, and they'll be gotten to ASAP! [b][h3]As of this post, version 2.13 [i](internally v12.2)[/i] is the latest update.[/h3] This small patch includes a vital bugfix that would stop players from being able to access new content. Please check your game is up to date before launching.[/b]