Nuclear War Simulator - Build 260 Beta Update
Author: ivan.stepanov.nws,
published 3 years ago,
[h3]Moving human individuals, time-resolved fallout[/h3]
Human individuals can now move on the map and radiation dose from fallout is calculated and displayed in a time-resolved fashion. Civil defense situations and other aspects of survival after a nuclear war can now be simulated.
There is a new UI for intuitive selection of shelter. Humans can move on foot or in a vehicle (if available). The speed and protection factor of the vehicle can be set in the UI. The route can be chosen by clicking multiple times on the map.
The fallout dose is now calculated time-step by time-step. The dose rate curve shows how each mushroom cloud arrives at the individual and then the radiation decays. When people take shelter it can be seen on the curve.
These new features can be used to simulate taking shelter from fallout and evacuation.
[h3]Improved single explosion UI[/h3]
A drop down menu is added to select one of the available warheads (for the selected country). There is also an option to select the next warhead randomly.
CEP is displayed (dashed circle) and can be changed to simulate the CEP of a delivery system.
Multiple detonations can be done with one click. The combination of a very large CEP and multiple detonations can be used to quickly create a random warhead placement.
[h3]Complete list of new features and bug-fixes:[/h3]
- New Feature: human individuals can now move on the map, change shelter and fallout is measured in a time-resolved fashion. This enables the simulation of evacuation vs shelter-in-place strategies, civil defense scenarios and survival situation.
- New Feature: human individuals can move on foot or in a vehicle. Movement speeds and protection factor of the vehicle can be set and saved.
- New Feature: new, intuitive UI for shelter selection
- New Feature: curves showing time-resolved radiation dose rate from fallout. The curves can show when fallout is arriving at the individual, how it decays and how changing shelter affects the exposure
- New Feature: a button is added to save the parameters of one or all individuals. Parameters are not saved automatically when changed.
- New Feature: "Single explosion" panel: it is possible to select one of available warheads as preset. Toggle box can be used to select a random warhead.
- New Feature: "Single explosion" panel: CEP can be set
- New Feature: "Single explosion" panel: it is possible to detonate multiple warheads with one click. It is possible to distribute a large number of detonations by selecting a large CEP and a large number of detonations on one click.
- Bug fix: plan addition (creating a new plan with the name of an available plan) was not working with silos