[h2]Next Wave Setting[/h2] You are now able to choose how the next wave will start: [list][*][b]Auto[/b], which is what it was previously by default where it will automatically start after some time, which can be bypassed by pressing the next wave button. [*][b]Manual[/b], in which the next wave will not begin until you press the next wave button. [*][b]Instant[/b], the next wave will instantly begin as soon as the previous wave ends. [/list] [h2]No Rest for the Wicked[/h2] To go along with the next wave setting, there is a new achievement for reaching wave 75 with the setting set to instant. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44914133/a027a6439843fd0c788c1c5ae0abf1396cc49970.png[/img] [h2]In other news...[/h2] [list] [*]You can now close the pause menu by pressing Escape. [*]The pause menu has been reorganised and had some colour added to the setting categories. [*]Zombies speed now scales even higher past wave 100. [*]Zombies will now do a random animation upon reaching prestige, instead of the same animation. [/list]