DevLog #2
published 3 years ago,
[h1]Monsters Domain DevLog #2[/h1]
[h2]MiniMap Features
[/h2]Use Pre render images as Map for optimization.
[*] Add fog of war to the Minimap(actor can reveal areas and enemy actors temporarily or permanently)using UE4 materials.
[*] Add zoom in/out features to Minimap.
[*] Rotate map(Compass effect )with player rotation.
[*] Large map switch(Show wide area).
[*] Animated objective markers add to Map.
[*] Add scriptable Interactive markers(Ex: trigger events when player close).
[h2]Death Timer
[*] Death timer activates when an enemy has defeated and fallen to the ground. This timer indicates how much time left for that enemy to die. During this time players have the ability to capture the enemy for the ritual or perform a sacrifice.
[h2]Sacrifice [/h2]
[*] Spirit ability sacrifice can be performed under special circumstances. The sacrifice ability allows players to capture a high level enemy in the battle and make them fight for the player.
[*] Basically when the enemy reaches the neutralized state, checks are done in order to see if the player is close enough to do the sacrifice and to see all the conditions are met.
[*] If all the conditions are met the player can perform the sacrifice by holding (E) key, this will fill up the sacrifice bar and once the bar is fully filled the sacrifice will be completed.
[*] Performing the sacrifice also increases the power level of the spirit.
[*] These spirit related powers are handled by a custom component which can be added to any type player character and by doing so this will allow access to spirit related powers easily.
[h2]Drag Mechanic
[*] Now players can drag enemy bodies by pressing and holding the drag button (Q).
[*] This system is implemented using Unreal’s “Physics Handle” component which allows players to interact with physics bodies.
[*] Dragging is basically done by performing a simple raycast check to detect the nearest bone, and attaching it to player character via physics handle component.
[*] The behaviour of the attached ragdoll can be based upon these parameters, linear and angular stiffness and damping.
[*] Ritual is a special event which grants players more power than a sacrifice. But this will dissolve the victim's body hence, players will not be able to resurrect the enemy.