[url=https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/789740278442040576/6F1CABF05AA5E2FB2D5BA2E2ED7537AB4529C9B1/][img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/789740278442040576/6F1CABF05AA5E2FB2D5BA2E2ED7537AB4529C9B1/[/img][/url] Lately I've been optimizing a lot of stuff. Loading a game from the menu is now [b]way [/b]faster - the rest of the game's world ist streamed in as it has been the case before (it's all a vast continuous dungeon so far). Had to adapt the save system a bit for that. Next up: Combat AI and really finishing the last few rooms of the level section I've been working on. Fingers crossed for alpha status.