[url=https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/804367961395360030/E687CFFC1F7C74758D93307A977674440A7002E6/][img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/804367961395360030/E687CFFC1F7C74758D93307A977674440A7002E6/[/img][/url] "Surprise!" Arcane traps can be placed with a spell. "Blink" is done as well. It will probably be a late game spell since it's rather powerful. It allows you to slip through prison bars, portcullises and even cracks in the wall by teleporting you just a few feet straight ahead. Wizard's Eye should be interesting to fully implement. For the moment, I'll try to limit myself to spells that are actually useful within the alpha area.