Hey everyone! We're back with another patch for [i]MonCon[/i]. Version 1.0.9 fixes a lot of user-reported bugs & bugs from our own backlog: [list] [*] Cleaned up flaky logic surrounding Marnie's interview section of the afternoon chapter. In particular, there was a specific order of events that could cause the game to softlock if you talk to Marnie after the interviews, but before beginning Joey's first shadow work section; this has been fixed. [*] Improved NPC path-finding logic [*] Fixed bug where room music would not resume playing if you talk to a fuzzy in one of the hotel hallways [*] Fixed bug where NPCs could initially appear without costumes if you defeated first enemy in battle but then subsequently ran away [*] Fixed bug where camera would not return to default position when selling at a shopkeep after closing your inventory [*] Fixed bug where removing Fambox cartridge would simultaneously cause HUD menu to drop down when playing with a controller [*] Disabled phone/inventory interaction while inside the running section of shadow work [*] Added an autosave point after the end of the evening chapter's dungeon, but before the start of the after-midnight chapter of the game [*] Force capital letters on in-game keyboard when using gamepad in the second dungeon, or on the Duck Claw password screen [*] Don't allow player to repeatedly buy the same phone app, or buy smaller backpacks after increasing backpack size [*] Fixed graphical bug where colors would not immediately update in the third dungeon [*] Fixed graphical bug where player costumes would not immediately update in certain rooms in the third dungeon [/list]