Updates 0.13 & 0.14
Author: M3lt3dCh33s3,
published 3 weeks ago,
[b]Aim Assist[/b]
[list][*] Implemented mild bullet magnetism for Assault Rifles, Shotguns, SMGs, and select sidearms.
[list][*] Players can now toggle between locked and unlocked weapon swaps:
[list][*] Locked: Pressing “1” equips your primary, pressing “2” equips your secondary
[*] Unlocked: Pressing “1” or “2” swaps weapons.
[/list][*] Killfeed now also shows the assisting player if applicable.
[/list][b]Weapon Mods[/b]
[list][*] Magazine Extension[list]
[*] Tier I: Increases magazine capacity by 10% (rounding down).
[*] Tier II: Adds another 10% (20% total, rounding down).
[*] Tier III: 30% total magazine capacity increase (rounding up).[/list]
[*] Condenser Barrel[list]
[*] Tier I: Increases Range by 10%
[*] Tier II: Adds another 10% (20% total).
[*] Tier III: 30% total Range increase.[/list]
[*] Shatter Caps: [i]Converts rounds into explosive projectiles at the cost of base damage. 50% direct hit damage and 40% AoE damage. No AoE dropoff at range.[/i][list]
[*] Tier I: 0.5-meter splash damage radius.
[*] Tier II: 1-meter splash damage radius.
[*] Tier III: 1.5-meter splash damage radius.[/list][/list]
[b]Animations:[/b][list][*] Implemented an Armor Syringe animation.
[list] [*] Added several headshot, weapon mod, and progression achievements.