Approaching Steam Fest, we have a new version of the demo, with a lot of new content and various improvements. These are some of the changes we have implemented in this new version: [list] [*] Added a new basic enemy, which fires a laser beam, and protects itself with armored tentacles when you damage it [img][/img] [*] Added new icons to the different level improvements [*] Level time limit reduced from 15 minutes to 10 minutes. [*] Added a final battle against a boss, upon completing the first 10 minutes of the game [img][/img] [*] Added permanent upgrades screen in the main menu [*] Added achievements screen in the main menu [*] Added a scoring system that is displayed at the end of the game [*] Changed the game music [*] Modified many game sounds [*] Added options to change game resolution, and enable or disable full screen [/list] This next week, the week of the Next Fest, will be very important for our video game, so any feedback you want to give us about the game will be very welcome, and if we need to fix something we will try to do it as quickly as possible.