Hi Maplers,  We’d like to provide a status update regarding Wild Totems, which many of you have been curious about since our adjustments to Kanna’s Kishin Shoukan skill. As previously mentioned in the [url=https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/71380/maple-memo-addressing-recent-issues-and-upcoming-content][b]Maple Memo: Addressing Recent Issues and Upcoming Content[/b][/url], we made adjustments to the Kishin Shoukan skill to align with the overall direction of the game by changing the spawn-enhancing effect from the skill to a 10% additional EXP effect. In the same update as the Kishin Shoukan skill changes, Star Force enhancement costs were reduced by 20% in cumulative enhancement cost (based on the 24-Star enhancement); as we understood that spawn-enhancing effects had a large role in meso acquisition, and we hoped to alleviate the difficulty of the transition by reducing the cost in the area where most mesos are spent by players. In alignment with the changes to Kishin Shoukan’s skill effect, Wild Totems will be discontinued in the next upcoming update. As we’ve done when Kishin Shoukan skill was changed to no longer provide spawn-enhancing effects, we will further reduce Star Force enhancement costs by an additional 20% when discontinuing Wild Totems. There will also be some changes made to the Fairy Bros Daily Gifts rewards to reflect the discontinuation of Wild Totems. The below changes to Fairy Bros Daily Gifts rewards will be reflected starting [b]November 1, 2022[/b]. [list][*]Day 8 will now provide Mega Burninator x1[/*][*]Day 10 and Day 19 will now provide 2x EXP Coupon (30 min) x2[/*][/list] The discontinuation of Wild Totems is currently scheduled to be implemented with our November update, tentatively scheduled for [b]November 16, 2022[/b]. Wild Totems that are already in players’ inventory prior to the November update will remain usable with their current functionality until the item expires. Any Wild Totem coupons without an expiration date will be usable until [b]December 31, 2022[/b].  Thank you,   The MapleStory Team